اصفهان شرق

سیر نزولی آمار کرونا در کشور/مبادا گرفتار شب یلدا شویم

کدخبر: 207632
1399/09/26 در ساعت 11:49

According to Isfahan Shargh , Saeed Namaki, regarding the latest situation in  Corona , added: “Last week was the  corona stormy days  in the world and the worst conditions occurred in the United States, so that this country is in the first place of cumulative deaths and after that.” They are European countries and Iran is in lower ranks.

Regarding the latest situation of coronary  heart disease  in Iran, he said: “The rate of morbidity and mortality in Iran has decreased in the last two weeks and so far 52,670 feet and more than one million people with  coronary  heart disease have been registered in the country.” .

Noting that we have gone through difficult days, the Minister of Health continued: “The number of cumulative deaths in our country shows that the hardship that existed in the third peak has come to an end.”

Regarding the Shahid Soleimani project, Namaki added: “In this project, about 22,500 teams have been formed to monitor and track comprehensive tests, and also 73,500 people from our colleagues in these teams work in different departments.”

Noting that 8,100 teams are active in home care, he said: “20,500 people are discussing caring for coronary patients at home.”

Namaki added: “More than 10,000 care teams consisting of 33,000 people monitor the implementation of protocols with the help of various devices, and our support team helps people who are at home and in home quarantine, so that more than 20,000 There are teams, most of whom are our colleagues in the Basij, charities and non-governmental organizations.

According to the Minister of Health, 55,000 people also serve people with coronary heart disease around the clock in the neighborhood-based plan   .

Regarding the overall situation in cases of  Corona  said today the red fire of inflammation in orange and yellow and we estimate that with empathy, cooperation and alignment of people, in compliance with the protocol and how letters Health can the situation of suffering and death. Lower the intensity.

Namaki stated: “Together with the help of the Basij Organization, the Red Crescent, the Radio and Television, the NAJA, non-governmental organizations and our colleagues in the health care network, we were able  to bend the corona of death and death due to  corona and desperate demand.” We, the people, are saying that if we go back to the carefree days of the past, this number will increase again, and the virus will appear with more power, and fire will engulf everyone.

Expressing concern over the Yalda night ceremonies, the Minister of Health said: “For the happy days, we did not fall into the trap of the hard and heavy days of the past and we did not have Yalda night family gatherings. Stay so that both our compatriots are safe and our colleagues have a chance to breathe in peace of mind.